Twitter Subliminal 0.2.0

September 5, 2016

Getting twitter-subliminal setup can be a pain, especially in non-Linux environments. Docker is a great solution for making software portable, and in version 0.2, I’ve Dockerized twitter-subliminal. You still need to signup for Twitter API credentials, but these are now injectable as command line parameters:

docker run -it --rm \
     -e consumer.key="ABCD1234" \
     -e secret.key="ABCD1234" \
     -e access.token="ABCD1234-ABCD1234" \
     -e access.token.secret="ABCD1234" \

By using the -it option, you’ll get an interactive session with the Docker container. The working directory will contain all of the usual binaries available from v0.1.0:

  • tse: message encryption
  • tsd: message decryption
  • tsr: reset all retweets
  • tsp: performance testing for selecting block size
  • tst: unit testing
  • tsl: check rate limit status with Twitter API

You can also run these binaries directly. To send, e.g.:

docker run \
     -e consumer.key="ABCD1234" \
     -e secret.key="ABCD1234" \
     -e access.token="ABCD1234-ABCD1234" \
     -e access.token.secret="ABCD1234" \
     jlospinoso/twitter-subliminal ./tse "Hello, world!"

There are two locations where the twitter-subliminal containers are published:



Please post any issues or bugs you find!